Phoebe d’Abo. Koh Samui Thailand.
Beautiful and talented DJ Phoebe d’Abo fully captured our attention, when she arrived on Koh Samui to open a new season of Hed Kandi parties. Of course we did not even try to resist to make an exclusive report about Phoebe, see for yourself here!
Life. We’re constantly reminded it’s too short. Life a game of strategy. For me, it’s about balance. I try my hardest to get the most out of each day. It’s taken quite a few years to make my passion my living, but I consider myself very fortunate to be one of the few people who can say I do what I love and I love what I do!
Friends. Quality trumps quantity when it comes to friendships! I only have a small handful of true friends; most I’ve known for many years and things don’t change- even if we go months without seeing each other!
Love. I love lots and lots of things but I particularly love animals. I’m someone who can’t walk past a cat in the street without crouching down to have a 5 minute stroke and a chat with it. Unfortunately I’m a complete sucker for pictures of cute pets on Instagram…or videos of sloths on YouTube. I can’t tolerate animal cruelty and I don’t eat meat. When I’m old and grey I’ll hopefully live in a pretty Ibizan farmhouse surrounded by cats- that’d be perfect.
DJing. I got into it 7 years ago after a trip to Ibiza- it wasn’t my plan to become a professional DJ, but the enthusiasm and satisfaction I felt mixing 2 records together was addictive. I never looked back- once I started getting booked to play in clubs it just clicked- that was all I wanted to do.
Thailand. After only 2 trips to Thailand it’s safe to say I adore the place. It satisfies the sun-worshipper, the foodie, hippie and the party girl in me. I can’t wait to return this summer!
Life’s Motto. I’m a firm believer in putting positive energy into everything you do. Do good, and good will come of it, always. One of my favourite quotes is:
“It’s nice to be important but it’s more important to be nice.”
Home. Until this year I have always considered home to be London. But travelling regularly means I fall in love with a different city most weekends. I have a real soft-spot for Europe and have always imagined myself relocating to the Mediterranean. In fact, next month I’m relocating to Madrid, Spain. I’ve decided to move there for a while to get my Spanish back on track before the summer when I’ll be heading to my favourite place of all…the world’s magical party capital- Ibiza!
Personal stuff